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This post is all about romantic traditions for couples

Romance in a relationship is so important! It’s your expression of love for your partner. Therefore, romance is something that should not be overlooked.
Keeping “the romance” alive in your relationship does require effort. Unfortunately, it is also susceptible to challenges like lack of time and stress or pressure. Luckily, there are ways for you to safeguard the romance in your relationship and keep the love burning strong. Ways such as creating traditions that are meaningful to you as a couple and that you can consistently commit to doing.
Creating rituals and traditions as a couple can be a great way to ensure you put that time and effort into your romantic relationship to keep it growing. In this post, we will discuss fifteen romantic traditions for couples that allow you to have the time and space to connect and explore with your partner.
15 Romantic Couples Traditions That Are Perfect For Your Relationship
1. Create Your Own Holiday To Celebrate Together
It’s always fun having things to celebrate throughout the year… why not add one more?
Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Birthdays … they’re great and all, but imagine getting to pick your very own special day that you get to celebrate with your partner every single year. You could choose to celebrate something cute from your relationship history like your first kiss, or something more amusing like your first time farting in front of each other. Alternatively, you could make up a holiday that represents your relationship (e.g. Nerdy High School Sweet Hearts Day, or National Swiped Right Tinder Success Day), or a holiday that celebrates both of your passions (e.g. International Marvel Meets Crochet Day). The beauty of this romantic tradition for couples is that you get to pick what you celebrate and determine exactly how you are going to celebrate it.
Alternatively, if you’re not wanting to come up with your own holiday to celebrate together, why not pick one that already exists? Countless random international holidays are happening every day, without most of us even being aware of them. So why not bring attention to one? Days of the Year is a great site to check out if you are looking for inspiration – it’s suprising how many random things are celebrated every day. Anyway, once you’ve picked your new holiday, sit down with your S.O. and decide how you are going to celebrate it- definitely unleash your creativity for this part! Then make it a tradition to celebrate it this way every year.
2. No Phone Days
Put your phones in a phone jail or allow your partner to hide your phone while you hide theirs somewhere and have a day free from technology. A day completely free from scrolling, texting, watching TikToks… you get the gist. Having a debate about some random fact that one of you would usually Google to earn the “I told you so” bragging rights? Tough luck, you’ll just have to keep debating, or if you’re that serious about it, look it up the old-fashioned way.
Having a no-phone day is a great way to reconnect with your partner. This is because it removes all of the noise and distractions that the wider world provides. It allows you to truly focus on your partner, listen properly to them, and to properly see them. This might help you remind yourself of some of the little details you love about them that you might’ve stopped paying attention to.
If your phone has become a safety net/comfort object for you, it may feel a little awkward or uncomfortable to be without it at first but do persist because the benefits of being able to reconnect to your partner are truly worth it.
The next time you and your partner are falling out of touch or you are craving their undivided attention, try out a phone-free day. Or better yet, declare a day every month (or week if you want) to be a no-phone day so that it becomes part of your routine.
Have A Memory Jar of Moments
This is your chance to make you and your partner a beautiful time capsule of all things good in your relationship. Find yourselves a jar and spend an evening decorating it together. Add in some candles, a dinner, and some drinks into the mix and it can quickly turn into a date night event. Then, throughout the year, note down special moments, things you were grateful to your partner for, and things you loved about them and add them to your jar. If organisation is your thing, you can even make categories and colour code them using different coloured post-it notes.
Set an annual date when you will sit down together and read through everything you’ve put in the jar. Doing this offers you a wonderful chance to reflect together on the beautiful memories that you have made and be reminded of all the good things that your relationship brings.
If you decide to do this annually and your jar starts to run out of space, you could always stick the existing notes in a book for you to keep and add to every year. Doing this is a nice easy way of scrapbooking, especially if scrapbooking normally isn’t your thing. Plus, something like this is perfect to have around for days when you’re feeling a bit low and need a joyful memory to help lift your spirits.

Special Songs Playlist
It’s time to create the soundtrack of your relationship!
Sit down with your S.O. and create a playlist of songs that hold special meaning for your relationship. Then pick a day every few months or every year when you continue to add new songs to the playlist that have taken on meaning for you. In no time, you will have a beautiful playlist that at the touch of a button evokes all the emotions and memories you have tied to those songs. You can play it during significant moments throughout your, on the daily, or just when you’re feeling reminiscent of your time spent together.
Have Themed Date Nights
Date nights are a fantastic way to ensure you get a bit of quality time with your partner during your week. Date nights are generally lots of fun, but for some couples they can become a little bit stale over time. This can because they typically rotate through the same dates over and over again (no judgment to couples that enjoy this though). Having a themed date night is a great way to add a twist of romance to the couple’s tradition of having a date night. Taking turns to choose or choosing a theme together can bring a spark of fun to the night. Let your chosen theme take you on a journey by letting it inspire what you wear, eat, drink, do and maybe even how you act.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Carnival Night – Think candy floss, caramel apples, and some good old-fashioned DIY carnival games.
- A Wintery Summers Night- Summer heat getting to you? Put the AC on, grab your coziest winter sweater and beanie curl up together in front of the “fire” (YouTube has plenty of playlists with a fire overlay to help set the mood). Share in some good conversation while enjoying all your winter faves like hot chocolate and mulled wine.
- 007 Night – Suit up in your finest outfit and then hit up an escape room or go play a round of laser tag (or both). Then finish off the night sipping martinis (shaken not stirred).
Create A Scrapbook/Photobook Together
This may be a slightly old-school tradition but nonetheless, scrapbooking is a super romantic tradition for couples to enjoy. Scrapbook sessions are a chance for you to slow down with your partner and take a moment to document and reflect on your relationship. It’s also your chance to get creatively express yourselves together – which may be a new experience for some couples. By adding pictures, mementos, doodles, and notes over the years to your scrapbook, you can create a visual timeline of your journey together. Allowing you to keep track of the big moments as well as the smaller happy memories that may otherwise get lost in time as the years go by.
If scrapbooking really isn’t your jam, it’s okay, you can still document your relationship together. Commit to sitting down once a year and sift through all the photos you have taken throughout the year together and make a photo book. There are plenty of places that will print a hardcover book containing all your beautiful containing all your photos for you to enjoy.
Candlelit Dinners at Home
Romance can be weaved into even the simplest of daily activities. You don’t have to be extravagant or spend lots of money to be romantic- romance can lie in very simple acts. Acts like making a habit of having candlelit dinners at home more frequently.
All you need is music food and most importantly some candles. Pop on a playlist that will create a romantic atmosphere, set the table nicely, dim the lights and most importantly, light some candles. Then settle in with a meal you’ve cooked or ordered in together and enjoy each other’s company. Voia la- a romantic dinner at home!

Have An Us Day
An Us Day, is a whole day, where start to finish it’s just the two of you doing anything and everything that you enjoy doing. Want to go chill on the beach and suntan the day away? Sure thing, do it. Want to cosy up indoors for the whole day watching movies and just enjoying each other’s company? Absolutely, why not? This is your day to do whatever makes you feel content. You might use it as a chance to slow down as a couple and be present together or to be active, get out and about, and do things together. Make it a tradition to do it on a certain day every month so that you have something to look forward to together.
Helpful hint: Have some ideas in your back pocket of what you want to do with your Us Day before the day arrives. Otherwise, you quite easily end up spending the first hour of your day deciding what do with it.
Recreate Your First Date
If you’re sitting there wishing you could go back in time and relive your first date, this romantic tradition for couples is for you.
A lovely tradition to include in your relationship is recreating your first date. We made a tradition to try to relive our first date every five years since our first date is a little out of the way for us nowadays. However, you can choose how often you want to relive it and also how accurate you want to make it (absolute props to you if you still have the same outfit you wore to your first date).
Reliving your first date is a chance for you to revisit a lovely memory you made with your partner and maybe bring back some of the feelings you first felt. It also provides a great chance to reflect on how far you have come in your relationship and everything you have done together.
Sunrise, Sunset or Stargazing Picnics
There’s something so gorgeous (and romantic) about sitting and watching nature do its thing.
The great thing is that nature provides you plenty of opportunities to make this a tradition. Consider yourselves to be early birds? Great get up and catch a sunrise? If early mornings not your thing? That’s okay, sunsets can be your go-to. And let’s not forget spending an evening under the starry blanket of the night sky.
Curl up on the deck of a Ute or in the front seat of your car, spread out across a picnic blanket, or pull up some camping chairs. Then eat, drink, talk, laugh, and enjoy Mother Nature’s very own show.

Start Doing Seasonal Photoshoots
Seasonal photoshoots are a lot of fun and a great way to capture your love throughout the year. All you need for this is a phone/camera, a location of your choice, and a commitment to taking photos in that location during the three remaining seasons of the year.
Your seasonal photoshoot can be as lowkey or as extra as you like. You could keep it simple and do the same pose and colour scheme for you outfits across the season. Or you could change it up each season and really dress for the weather (I’m talking scarves, beanies, and winter sweaters vs sundresses and cute floppy hats).
There are also plenty of locations for you to do your photoshoot in. If you are not a fan of the outdoors, you could commit to doing a seasonal photoshoot inside your own home or if you’re feeling creative, your car. Pick a place that resonates with you and run with it. Or if you can’t choose, maybe keep the tradition going for years to come so that you can capture your story in all of your favourite locations.
Have Adventure Days
Life can get super busy, and the things you love doing together can quite easily get lost in the flurry of life (believe us, we understand). For the couples that like to get out and about and do things, why not make it a tradition that you have an adventure day once a month?
Designating 24 hrs out of every month to explore and experience together can be a great way to protect your interests as well as your couple time. You can use this day to test out a new activity together that you’ve been curious about but haven’t had the time to try yet. Or, maybe you can use the day to explore a new part of your city, go on a hike, or go on a spontaneous road trip. It’s your day to go exploring however you please.
Have A Binge Weekend
Snacks, snuggly clothes, a season of your favourite TV show, and a whole weekend indoors with your person. What more could you want?
Romance doesn’t always have to be glamourous, who said it couldn’t involve plenty of creature comforts? The next time a season of your favourite show comes out, instead of trying to cram in episodes amidst the flurry of life, book yourselves a binge weekend. Clear your schedule, cancel all plans and commit to finishing the season over the weekend with your partner.
We knew a couple who would even book a place away from home to go for their binge weekend. It was their chance to escape during the winter months and burrow away from the world for 48 hours together. They would power through episode after episode of the newest season of Game of Thrones during the day and then talk the night away over a glass of wine. It was something they religiously did with each new season and something they both really looked forward to. It was their chance to connect.
Sound good to you? Why not introduce this couple’s tradition into your relationship?
Have A Mystery Road Trip Day
This romantic tradition for couples is for the couples who love just going for a drive and who enjoy being on the road together.
Cover your partner’s eyes and have them drop a pin on Google Maps. Bingo, you have your destination. Now, go put some fuel into the car, grab a coffee for the road, put on your favourite tunes, and just enjoy the ride. Even if you end up driving for 3 hours just to go somewhere for lunch or to land up in the middle of nowhere. It’s all about the journey with this tradition. Relish in exploring places near you that you may never normally see and let your conversation flow as you get some uninterrupted time to reconnect with your partner.
Better yet, if you want to go on a wild adventure, where neither of you knows what is going to happen next, check out Getting Lost’s Road Trip Edition. It’s chuck full of fun prompt cards that’ll be sure to send you in all different directions.

Do A Recipe Night
How do you turn cooking together into a fun and romantic tradition for couples? Have a recipe night!
Grab your partner and together go on a hunt for a new recipe that neither of you has ever created before – dessert, lunch, dinner… whatever appeals. Need a place to start? Tasty is our favourite source for finding new and different recipes for us to try.
Once you have your recipe, gather your ingredients and get cooking. To all you kitchen control freaks, try your best to keep the vibe light and fun, and work with your partner to make your foodie creation. Then enjoy your meal together and try to forget that dishes exist 😉
A bonus idea for you cutesy romantics
Create a recipe book together where you document all the recipes you try on your recipe nights. It’s a great way to keep all your favourite new recipes so you don’t lose them in the endless number of recipes on the internet. Plus you get a cute wee book filled with memories from your foodie nights.
Also, instead of just writing down the recipe, why not print out photos of you and your partner making or enjoying the meal together? Or, for a bit of fun, you could create a rating system and rate each recipe. Be sure to also have a little spot to write down any memories from the night that you don’t want to forget.
As Richelle Goodrich said, “To the romantic soul, the rituals of Valentine’s Day echo every day of the year.” Keep the romance echoing in your relationship by inviting some of these romantic traditions for couples into your life.
As we said at the start, romance is the expression of your love for your partner. Don’t let yourself forget why you love your partner and don’t stop showing them how much you love them. When life is busy and stress is high, even little moments of effort and thought can go a long way in a relationship. So if one of these romantic traditions for couples interests you, make the effort to make it a tradition in your relationship. Use them as a way to stay connected, to explore, to re-fall in love, or to provide you ways of enjoying life together.